Focus on the Bible

Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (Gospel of John. 14;6).


Focus on Islam

Islam is not the way to heaven.

Jihad is not the way to heaven.

Mohammad is not the way to heaven.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Greetings.

I Thomas H. Arthur (Sultan) opened this website for our Christians and Muslims so Christians may know the Real Jesus and Muslims may know the Real Jesus too. Because Koranic Isa is NOT the Son of God of the New Testament. Isa is NOT Lord Jesus Christ.

Koranic Isa is an anti-Christ. I wrote some topics about this issue on "Focus on Islam". Please click on library and read carefully and know the fact.

The main issue of this site for Muslims. Muslims are victim of the Koran. Allah and the Koran was Mohammad's own made.

Therefore Mohammad created his own Allah to justify his all sort of evil acts as holy. Mohammad is all Muslims model. Each and every Muslim wants to be like Mohammad. 

I pray after visiting my site may all Muslims know the true evil face of Mohammad and leave Islam and follow the Real Jesus Christ who died for you on the Cross and on the third day rose from death so you may put your faith upon Him and get eternal life in this earth.






God our Father, you sent Your Son Jesus into the world to redeem us all. May everyone learn to praise Your most Holy Name through Your Son's life, death and resurrection. Send Your Holy Spirit to all those engaged in making Your love known throughout the world. Amen.




Oh God be merciful to me, a sinner, I repent now of all my sins and turn from them, and place my trust alone in the Lord Jesus Christr for Salvation. I believe that the Blood of Jesus shed for me on the Cross atones for my sins, and I now accept and rest upon the finished work of Christ. Make me a new man/woman/.young person in Christ Jesus and give me a power in my life to live for You and serve You, in Jesus Mighty Name I pray. 







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